Fountain Point is surrounded by 24 wineries.


“Discover Leelanau Peninsula, where cool-climate wines pair perfectly with local cuisine.The small peninsula is home to 24 wineries located within diverse microclimates uniquely suited for a variety of wine grapes. Among the internationally acclaimed varietals are Riesling, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Cabernet Franc. Experience, firsthand, the authentic taste of the peninsula in local wines that continue to achieve national and international accolades with each passing vintage.”


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Check out the map and links below to wineries.

Leelanau Wineries

Aurora Cellars
Bel Lago Vineyard & Winery
Black Star Farms
Blustone Vineyards
Boathouse Vineyards
Boskydel Vineyard
Brengman Brothers at Crain Hill
Chateau de Leelanau Vineyard & Winery
Chateau Fontaine
Cherry Republic Winery
Ciccone Vineyard & Winery
Forty-Five North Vineyard & Winery
Good Harbor Vineyards
Good Neighbor Organic Vineyard & Winery
L. Mawby
Laurentide Winery
Leelanau Wine Cellars
Longview Vineyard & Winery
Raftshol Vineyards
Shady Lane Cellars
Silver Leaf Vineyard & Winery
Tandem Ciders
Verterra Winery
Willow Vineyard